Saturday, 24 July 2010

Offending white people 101

To be offended is usually a rather unpleasant experience, one that can expose a person to intolerance, cultural misunderstandings, and even evoke the scars of the past. This is such an unpleasant experience that many people develop a thick skin and try to only be offended in the most egregious and awful situations. In many circumstances, they can allow smaller offenses to slip by as fighting them is a waste of time and energy. But white people, blessed with both time and energy, are not these kind of people. In fact there are few things white people love more than being offended.

Naturally, white people do not get offended by statements directed at white people. In fact, they don’t even have a problem making offensive statements about other white people (ask a white person about “flyover states”). As a rule, white people strongly prefer to get offended on behalf of other people.

It is also valuable to know that white people spend a significant portion of their time preparing for the moment when they will be offended. They read magazines, books, and watch documentaries all in hopes that one day they will encounter a person who will say something offensive. When this happens, they can leap into action with quotes, statistics, and historical examples. Once they have finished lecturing another white person about how it’s wrong to use the term “black” instead of “African-American,” they can sit back and relax in the knowledge that they have made a difference.

White people also get excited at the opportunity to be offended at things that are sexist and/or homophobic. Both cases offering ample opportunities for lectures, complaints, graduate classes, lengthy discussions and workshops. All of which do an excellent job of raising awareness among white people who hope to change their status from “not racist” to “super not racist.”
Another thing worth noting is that the threshold for being offended is a very important tool for judging and ranking white people. Missing an opportunity to be outraged is like missing a reference to Derrida-it’s social death.

If you ever need to make a white person feel indebted to you, wait for them to mention a book, film, or television show that features a character who is the same race as you, then say “the representation of was offensive and if you can’t see that, well, you need to do some soul searching.” After they return from their hastily booked trip to land of your ancestors, they will be desperate to make it up to you. At this point, it is acceptable to ask them to help you paint your house.

Sunday, 11 July 2010

Nation of lost souls

Is it supposed to be like this?

Has it always been this way?

Is life nothing more than an aimless repetition of broken relationships, fragile friendships, living for the weekend and existing only to entertain ourselves? Every day we inhale the poisonous atmosphere our masters have bestowed upon us we eat it, we hear it, we watch it and we work for it. Every day we are bombarded with subliminal instructions and overt orders commanding all to succumb to the social engineers one world prophecy, or face being crushed under the titanic wheels of a global society.
Our lands invaded and transformed, our streets urine soaked derelicts, our communities and families shattered beyond repair and our youth torn apart, vulnerable, out of control and out of they’re minds.

What happened?

How did we get here?

To make any sense of it we have to go back to the beginning, to the first shots fired in the self extermination of our people, it all began with the assasination of our culture and our values.
Once we had our own culture, our own way of life, we had our close communities, secure and loving families; we had our own music, our own styles, our own history, our own pastimes and traditions. We had everything we needed we were a separate and unique people both biologically and socially. Of course back then it wasn’t called “white culture” because to put it simply there were no other races here to compare it with, it was just our way of life and while it wasn’t perfect it was ours and nobody else’s. And over the decades from the 60s leading up to today that culture, that way of life has been under attack, mocked, criticized, broken down and dragged through the mud. Anti-white, anti family propaganda beamed into our minds through a hijacked mass media now being used as a weapon to engineer self hatred and loose morals amongst our people. To make us weak and vulnerable for national and racial disintegration we had to be emptied of our culture and heritage, our values and traditions had to be mocked and cast away like broken toys. This way we would not care when our world was transformed into third world squalor.

And it’s working, as the years and decades pass by we see more and more propaganda demonizing white people throughout history and the present. More decadent, dumb and sleazy entertainment is broadcasted across the western world egging people on to mimic and embrace decay, dumbing us down and driving down standards. While our culture and our past is demonized and socially forbidden to celebrate, the culture, history and pride of other races is encouraged and sanctified by the mass media. We see black history months, mass cultural celebrations for other races, television promoting African/Asian culture/music/religion, statues and tributes to black heroes built the list goes on. On the other hand we have hundreds of movies, TV shows, ”pop” songs, documentaries, national events etc that project and condemn the evil racism of the white race throughout history and in the present day. In these dramatizations and productions things are always fine before the white man shows up and murders, enslaves, takes advantage of, rapes, abuses and steals from the non whites turning them into oppressed victims of the snooty white bullies who think the world is their playground.

Because of this constant bombardment of anti-white propaganda from our mass media and schools many young people growing up don’t want to be seen as “white” or “too white”, there is nothing cool about being white it’s made to seem boring and plain and what’s more it’s promoted as inherently evil. Most of those that care will try to distance themselves from their European heritage as much as possible, often adopting the ways and styles of other races in an attempt to ease their white guilt. Of course there is very little promotion of European culture to indulge in anymore anyway.
And at the same time young adults, teenagers and even children are fed hedonistic, shallow and morally bankrupt lifestyles daily by the msm (main stream media).Pollution of the soul spews forth from the media machine, embraced and unopposed driving down standards and cheapening everything. Young kids some as young as 12 hooked on drugs and deeply engrossed in the musically celebrated gangsta culture, valuing life less than the drugs they sell. Black hearted, unloved, vulnerable boys and girls raised on greed, selfishness and cruelty fall prey to dangerous and self destructive life styles and behavior patterns. Emptied of their culture and heritage as their parents where, devoid of morals and values and either uncaring of the world beyond their own lives or guilt ridden into following an anti white ideology our people, our nation is broken weak and ripe for destroying.

With no common ground left and no common goals we break from each other, we alienate ourselves and care less and less about our neighbours and communities and the state of our nation. We only ever see the national flag flown proudly during mass distraction, corporate events like the world cup, and most of these flags bear corporate logos and icons desperate to cash in on the meaningless football patriotism that quickly fades away to nothing just as fast as it surfaces. Entertainment and gadget overload has broken down families communicating and adds greatly to the process of eroding the natural family unit. Standards are driven down, lives are destroyed, things that once meant something are cheapened and now meaningless, honor and honesty are empty words, relics from a forgotten age. All non negotiable loyalties for white people race, nation and family have been shattered and degenerated nothing is set in stone and all is negotiable and up for sale.
A betrayed generation forced to grow up far too early, innocence stolen by a cold, concrete, consumerist world that paints over the broken dreams of its fallen youth with pretty colors.
Hearts, black.
Minds, f**kd.
All we care about is sex, drugs and money.
Homes, broken.
Values, gone.
Junkies and degenerates are our heroes.
Souls, cold.
Loyalty, sold.
Dignity and respect are tossed into the garbage.

The citizens of the new world order shuffle forward towards enslavement under the oppressive neon glow of a global media control machine, tolerating and embracing the decay of society, falling for the same old tricks again and again and worshiping demons and whores as saints and saviors.

Our dying race huddles around a fading fire, insane and afraid of what it is, the once blazing warmth of hope slips further and further away. Our will to fight back broken, the soul of our people shattered and scattered to the winds by the globalist scourge and their army of social engineers. They rub their hands in glee, they have all the money and land they could ever want. All that is left to take is ultimate power, physical control over our body’s and lives and power over our minds and opinions.
A grey race-less people controlled through mass media are what they desire, with no solid sense of identity, history and with no moral standards, we are powerless to stop them. They will get it all…

Don’t let them win.

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Councils use hidden bugs to spy on you

High-powered spy microphones on street lampposts are being used by snooping council officials to listen in on private conversations.
A network of new “intelligent” listening devices which can monitor discussions has been deployed on Britain’s streets for the first time.

The so-called Sigard system has been tested in London, Manchester, Birmingham, Glasgow and Coventry. The microphones, connected to CCTV cameras, can recognize aggressive “trigger” words and sounds, then automatically direct cameras to zoom in on the speakers.
Manufacturers denied the system is used to record conversations.
It analyses sound patterns to pick out angry or distressed voices.

Ghost-c3ll: Typical government tactic “problem and solution” they want to keep tabs on what ordinary people are doing and saying so they turn our streets into hellholes so they can “fix” the problem THEY created. Of course rather than putting an end to the violence and decay they instead install more CCTV and other surveillance equipment. This way they can justify turning our streets into prisons while at the same time allowing the problems to continue to keep the prison a fear ridden system where people are afraid to go outside.

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Hate crime?

Our society has moved towards, or some might say reverted to, a legislative approach that punishes those who commit crimes not solely on the basis of their actions, but on the reasoning behind those actions and the identity of the victim.

If I steal a bicycle from my friend, and admit in court that I do so because his name is Tim, and I am proud of vehemently disliking people called Tim, perhaps I'm a member of an anti-Tim society, should I be punished more seriously than if I had simply stolen his bike because I wanted his bike? You may think that would be nonsensical.

In April 2005, section 146 of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 was implemented. This section of the act doesn't create new offences, but imposes a duty upon courts to increase the sentence for any offence aggravated by hostility based on the victim's sexual orientation or disability.
Race has similar legal protection. The court, in deciding on the sentence to be imposed, must treat evidence of hostility based on disability, orientation, or presumed orientation as something that makes the offence more serious.
The writer Gerald Warner,
in an article for the Telegraph, calls for the repeal of "hate" laws, describing their "grossly distorted sentencing system which has created two-tier justice" citing section 82 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998, which lead to guidelines of significant increases for the sentence where a racial motive was involved.

Warner argues that considering some crimes to be aggravated by virtue of the intention of the criminal and the identity of the victim "is a reversion to the Middle Ages when assaulting a Norman baron meant death, while attacking a churl entailed a fine ... By imposing a much heavier sentence for an assault on a member of a statutorily specified minority than on an elderly person whose life may subsequently be shortened by the shock, we have again created legally privileged sections of society."

Sunday, 4 July 2010

Labour pre-election cover up on immigration

Ministers accused John Denham, the former communities secretary, of trying "to bury the truth" about immigration to try to guarantee his party's survival in office.

The 80-page report, The Drivers of International Migration To and From the UK, written by the highly respected National Institute of Economic and Social Research, was presented to ministers six weeks before the start of the general election campaign.

It found that net immigration to the UK rose by 169,100 people a year between 1992-1995 and 2004-2007, with the vast majority of new entrants coming from Asian countries.

Just over half the increase (51.2 per cent) was accounted for by "UK immigration policy relative to other hosts" while 26.7 per cent arose from the "relaxation of UK immigration policy from 1997".

If published, the report's findings would have reignited the row over the so-called "open door" immigration policy pursued by Labour up until it began phasing in its replacement "points based" system in 2008.

Yet the Department for Communities and Local Government (CLG) decided not to publish the document.


Saturday, 3 July 2010

Twisted minds

A while back I wrote an article about a certain human rights activist who was raped whilst doing aid work in earthquake stricken Haiti.
The person in question was a white woman called Amanda Kijera . The most shocking thing about this story however was not the poor woman’s ordeal but her own conclusion to as why she was attacked in the first place.

“Truly, I have witnessed as a journalist and human rights advocate the many injustices inflicted upon Black men in this world. The pain, trauma and rage born of exploitation are terrors that I have grappled with every day of my life. They make one want to strike back, to fight rabidly for what is left of their personal dignity in the wake of such things. Black men have every right to the anger they feel in response to their position in the global hierarchy, but their anger is misdirected. Women are not the source of their oppression; oppressive policies and the as-yet unaddressed white patriarchy which still dominates the global stage are. Because women–and particularly women of color–are forced to bear the brunt of the Black male response to the Black male plight”
“I went to Haiti after the earthquake to empower Haitians to self-sufficiency. I went to remind them of the many great contributions that Afro-descendants have made to this world and of their amazing resilience and strength as a people. NOT ONCE DID I ENVISION MYSELF BECOMING A RECEPTACLE FOR A BLACK MAN'S RAGE AGAINST THE WHITE WORLD, but that is what I became. While I take issue with my brother’s behavior, I'M GRATEFUL FOR THE EXPERIENCE”

What warped mind could come to this kind of conclusion? She almost seems to accept and understand and maybe even forgive this man for violating, abusing and humiliating her. She is racked with what is known as “white guilt”. It’s somewhat a disease of the mind of self loathing for what you are, for the race you belong to. Guilt for your forefathers sins, some true, some deeply exaggerated and many outright false.It doesn't matter that they transpired maybe hundreds of years ago. People who suffer this state of mind (and many, many do) seek out at every opportunity to not only needlessly redeem themselves for sins they had no part in, but to distance themselves as much as possible from what they are, thus the changing of names (to something les white) and rejection of one’s own culture and heritage. They will always try to justify the crimes committed by non whites through blaming “white racism”, they see their own race as a cancer on the planet oppressing the many peoples of “color” and driving them into lives of crime and cruelty.

But there is another side to this ever repeating story, the “white racism made me do it” defense. Many black, Asian and mixed race criminals upon being taken to trial and lacking any other defense other then “I wanted to do it” play the race card and claim they were influenced by “white oppression”. Of course they are usually lying hoping to take advantage of the white guilt present in many jury’s and courtrooms. Hoping that the guilt people may feel will be stronger than their sympathy towards the victim and their anger towards the attacker. Or on the other hand the guilty accuse the court, police or justice system of racism, blaming all the evidence and charges on a racist system trying to hold them down. And in this case there is always no shortage of guilt stricken fools who will leap to the perpetrators defense.

What you are about to see is one such example, a case from France where an African rapist who has raped at least 15 women (many of them over and over again) attempts to gain sympathy from the court by pointing the finger back at whitey.
Warning some may find the following video hard to watch.

Hopefully we can only assume common sense prevailed, however this trend has been going on for years and years. White guilt ridden liberals will fall over themselves to defend the barbaric actions of the worst elements of African and other nonwhite groups. They will always insist the staggering violent crime figures, the plummeting IQ levels and the all around abysmal quality of life of African (and other racial groups) nations and ghettos are the result of “institutional racism” or “white patriarchy”. It’s almost as if the perpetrator points a finger at the victim and says “don’t blame me blame yourself, I did it because you oppressed me”.
And for everyone who gasps in shock there will be one or two uber liberals, just like the before mentioned Amanda Kijera who will pause and shed a tear of guilt for her “downtrodden brothers”.
These peoples warped state of mind will not allow them to see sense.
And while there are many levels of white guilt ranging from the minor “I feel bad about slavery” to the extreme “god we owe Africans big time for the evil things we did” to the totally neurotic “white people can only redeem themselves by rejecting our heritage its inherently evil!”, you put all this together and you have a race of basket cases. We will never stop hearing about how bad we where to nonwhites, no matter what we do