Since the mid 80’s we the offspring of the children of “cultural revolution” from the 60’s and 70’s have been born into a world already tainted by an all consuming greed. And slowly but surely our world is sinking further into abject madness. The snake oil salesmen of the labour party who promised our mothers and fathers a bright new future have left our generation damaged physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially beyond repair.
Leaving school or college with high hopes thousands of us walk into job centres and are bluntly told to either join the army or go on the dole. Those of us lucky enough to have jobs wind up in low paid menial work with few prospects and little chance of escaping to something better.
Kids no longer aspire to be people of worth but instead look to their TV’s and dream of being drug dealers and footballer’s wives. Looking to get rich as fast and as easily as possible driven by a warped sense of worth that cheapens every object, word and emotion. Unhealthy, morally corrupted by a mass culture of mass media, conned and thrown overboard by an uncaring globalist state the youth of the white working class have spent the last two or so decades being driven and driving themselves into poverty, exploring every dangerous vice, perversion and absurd fashion on offer.
Kids sit in front of their televisions and absorb all the cultural Marxist propaganda their glowing surrogate parent can spew into their minds. Fragile developing brains take in imagery of hardcore sex and violence, excessive drug abuse, black gang culture, sexual perversion and degradation. All are glamorised and glorified wrapped in a neat package and pushed onto the campuses and playgrounds like gifts. This religion of chaos and self destruction is driving everyone mad. The inevitable driving down of quality of life results with a complacent generation who see their crime ridden streets like they have always been that way and makes general acceptance and normalisation of the decay more common.
As the older generation pass into their dusk and twilight years we, the youth of the nation are inheriting a national debt of over 850 billion pounds! That’s around 14,529 pounds for every person, man woman and child, how did this happen and why?
As the labour party came in they actually inherited a budget in balance. However once in power like a rabid coke fiend our leaders took the national credit card and went on a no-limit borrowing binge. Spending money we didn’t have on shit we didn’t need from the millennium dome to the cctv state to various other wacky projects and over spending on normal sectors it showed a leadership unconcerned with the future and the consequences. And who do we borrow this money from?
The answer is usually either insurance companies or “offshore investors”.
Using us the citizens as collateral they’ve effectively sold our nation into slavery because it will be US the generation of “broken Britain” that will have to pay it all back and suffer the consequences while Blair and brown will retire into a life of luxury.
And they wonder why we are so bitter and angry, why we view modern society with nothing but contempt. The champions of both cultural Marxism and capitalism can’t understand why we can’t just “enjoy” our Xbox 360s and I phones and HD TV’s and shut up. Why we can’t just get a healthy drug or alcohol addiction like everyone else and focus on that.
Everywhere you go now, passing houses and flats at night you can see through the windows every living room is lit with the neon blue glow of television beaming controlled information, multi racial propaganda and advertisements for the latest gadgets and mobile phones.
A nation of zombies, of blinged out boozing mongloids transfixed to the nearest source of mass media, taking in information, taking in pre-decided ideas and opinions the citizen does not have to think for him or herself. And so the citizen gives himself over willingly to the slave state seeing the never ending flow of entertainment, shiny trinkets and gadgets as a much more important distraction from the real world. Even as the streets bellow seethe with anarchy and murder the media state projects a “progressive” and “tolerant” world where the sordid state of the world around them is going to be fixed by some guy in a suit they stuck on TV telling you to believe in “change”. I see it everywhere in my friends and family honestly believing in these liars and whores and often I simply turn away from them in disgust, uncomfortable with the terrible disappointment I see there. I know its not just David Cameron or Gordon brown, labour or conservative it’s a giant totalitarian government that rules via the airwaves, kills its own people and wages war for profit and power.
And I swear I won’t become complacent to it.
I won’t accept the corruption.
I won’t accept the bullshit wars.
I won’t accept third world invasion.
I won’t accept the idiot culture.
I won’t accept the decay.
And I won’t accept our states debt as our own.
We are not the state we owe these debt slave masters NOTHING!
If you are a teenager or a young adult in the UK then you have probably by now heard of, used or witnessed the use of mephedrone or meow meow its street name.
Yes it was mid last year when I first heard of drug dealers buying bags of plant fertilizer for next to nothing to sell to naïve hedonistic teenagers and raver's to bang up their noses for a cheap night out.
Well yes now everyone’s heard of it and a large percentage of young people have tried it, many teens are using it regularly as a cheaper substitute to ecstasy and mdma.
And some people are buying it wholesale stockpiling it for when our pathetic excuse of a government actually bans it hoping to make a killing with the inevitable price hike.
I didn’t have to read a newspaper to learn any of this nor did I have to watch a news special on it (the idea of either knowing what they are talking about laughable anyway) no as a young person I have more then enough firsthand accounts of people talking about it or using meow. Just the other week I was at an old friend’s birthday party and sure enough in stumbled these girls gurning their faces off eyes rolling back into their skulls. My friend was looking upset after a few hours it seemed half the party had snorted this stuff and things where getting out of hand. And a few days ago one of my more reckless and foolish workmates was discussing buying a load off the internet with someone else, and you can. Just type meow meow into Google and bang the first link is to a site you can purchase large quantities of it from.
So what is this? An epidemic amongst our youth? A plague inflicted on them by drug dealers? The answer is no, mephedrone will come and go as other “latest drug crazes” have meow is just another step down the spiral. Teenagers will continue to buy drugs whether their legal or not, they will continue to fail at life more and more and buy more and more into the materialistic hedonism culture of drugs, meaningless sex, casual violence and moral degradation that the media beams into their sponge like brains through the various mediums at their disposal.
After all if our young where healthy, upstanding, aware and moral instead of brain damaged criminally minded “gangsta” wannabes who’s only goal in life is to produce money for a habit or a weekend of routine drugs and drink our government would not only lack the moral grounds to further implement their police state but would have an army of motivated, aware, young white people to deal with.
We our witnessing the complete annihilation of our race and nation at the hands of the insane social engineers who smile upon our crumbling decomposing world and offer us “saviours” to implement “real change” knowing full well we are too distracted by our vices to rise to our feet and REALLY change anything.
We must endure.
“Half the population is neurologically impaired, aka functionally retarded, the centre can not hold things fall apart into the abyss we go”